Our hardy Captain was intending to bolt for home once we made the Caribbean but was outvoted by the Crew who saw an opportunity to continue exploring more of US waters and possibly even Canada in future seasons. No point contemplating another exhausting ocean crossing just yet. Somehow, the Great Loop and all its interesting possibilities beckon. But, let 's not get ahead of ourselves…
So this year then is about boat work and lots of slow miles ahead; remembering that we took advantage of nature rather than the iron horse for all but one or two days in our previous crossing (in 2011)... Daunting, but none-the-less exhilarating, to contemplate this hefty X File schedule:
Stage 1: Lagos, Portugal (August & September 2017)
Portugal for a few months of boat work. This time we’re building some boat work contingency into the plan. Slow learners? Hmmm! The Captain could be on his lonesome for this.
Stage 2: Lagos to Cape Verde Islands (October to December 2017)
From Lagos we open the first X File and take a hop, step and jump through Madeira, the Canaries and Cape Verde Islands to position ourselves for THE big X (crossing). We can’t take off too early as June to end of November is Hurricane Season, and we don’t want to mix it with those bad boys.
Stage 3: Cape Verde Islands to Caribbean (January 2018)
Our exact landfall in the Caribbean is yet to be decided but as we plan to head back to the US coast, quite possibly to haul out in the Chesapeake area again, we will aim as high up the chain as we can.
Stage 4: Caribbean to Chesapeake (February to May 2018)
We will be covering a lot of “old” ground so there will be little need to dawdle until we make it to the Snow Birds’ wintering grounds, the Bahamas. Back in the security of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (USA) with all X Files closed, we’ll begin our search for Windjammer’s next home-away-from-home. Our biggest challenge may be to secure Visas for travel in the US. Are we aliens? I'm not telling!
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Oh no, NOT that old route again!! |
Keep in touch by email if you’d like to catch us. WJ3’s map and tracker will be updated regularly (hopefully) so that you can see exactly when & where we are. Given this schedule and all the weather implications we'll not be able to fit in with precise travel plans, so you must be prepared to meet us! Internet connectivity will be an issue too as we are sailing through many countries, all with different regulations. Skymate will be set up again (satellite comms) and when the time comes, we’ll provide guidance on how to send us brief messages. Notes on what to bring (and what not to bring) can be found in the updated Visitors Guide. BYO sea sickness pills and sense of humour….