Monday, July 15, 2024

J’ouvert or Not to J’ouvert

We find ourselves in St Lucia for Carnival.  Wiser, much wiser, following our experiences in Grenada, we’ve listened to the goings-on and gatherings from afar.  (Well, from our marina berth, actually!)  The resort opposite has had rather lively fire dancers performing over the last couple of Saturday nights and there’s been some local bands playing loudly, outsde the marina compound.  Mr L approves the music.  He assured me they were playing the Banana Boat song last night!  Interestingly, there’s been no sightings of steel pans.  Mind you, the weather has been consistently inconsistent and tropical waves, bringing humidity, frequent showers and the odd storm, still regularly blow over us.  A real tropical experience.

We booked in to stay here for a month - a bit of a luxury with restaurants, a large grocery store, laundry, tap water and…electricity!  Also, the island boasts an international airport, so Mr Lozza can make his escape at the end of July.  The hurricane knocked out those airports south of us (not Trinidad) and we’re a bit wary of heading too far north until the end of the hurricane season.  So, here we sit, taking it easy.  

Sunset over Rodney Bay Marina (Photo by L.A.)
That’s not to say, there hasn’t been any repairs or maintenance to do.  We just get the chance to space those chores out, interspersed with dingy rides to Pidgeon Point (off Rodney Bay) for some snorkelling, a game of golf and dinners/breakfasts out.  The Cap’n managed, with help from the crew, to get the main sail out of the mast and leaks in the cabin have been located and sealed.  We are watertight again!  Now there’s just some canvas work to do.

The Cap'n trying hard on this beautiful green but it was Mr Lozza,
game, set & match!  (Evidence provided by Mr L.)
There’s also been time to do even more planning!  At last report, the Cap’n had booked us in to Power Boats, Trinidad for an early September haul then fly home.  Our latest thoughts though, are to stay in St Lucia for another month, then move south to anchor in Grenada for September & October (peak months).  If another Beryl blows by, we can make an easier run south for Trinidad from there.  

In November, we’ll start heading back up the Caribbean chain, through the Turks Caicos and Bahamas, making US landfall in about Jan 2025.  We’re aiming to start in Florida from West Palm Beach.  With Mr Lozza along for the ride, we’ll follow the ICW to the Chesapeake and our “home” base in Deltaville.  It will just be a wee bit chilly at this time of year.  Indeed, a similar, speedy trip to the one we did in 2018 returning from the Med.  This will be our 5th run of the Caribbean chain, so we’re not needing to stop except for bare necessities - fuel, food and water.  So, there you have it.  We’ll hopefully be home in March giving us a whole year to tend the garden, repair the house and best of all, spend time with family and friends.

Of course, this could all change tomorrow...  

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