Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back to Annapolis

During one of Cap’n Conscientious’ maintenance inspections in Baltimore, he discovered much to our dismay that the rudder quadrant had cracked – in the weld (done in the BVI in 2008).  Yep, it had come back to haunt him and now we need to replace it before Crossing the Pond.  Otherwise, King Neptune may find himself the proud owner of one more rudder (with expensive stainless stock).  The Cap’n can fill in the details on his H460 site in due course for those interested in technical details of a real “holy ship” moment!

Weems Creek on a busy weekend
So here we are back in calm Weems Creek (Annapolis) waiting to see if we can get a replacement “in a few days” and without having to be hauled out.  We have to pedal a mile to find a Starbucks (and internet connection) but we did have a pleasant swim in brackish waters yesterday, so things could be worse.

Just as a matter of interest, our spinnaker is no longer a virgin.  With light winds, and the Cap’n determined to sail (not again!) we dug the spinnaker out of a locker and released it from its sock.  It sat beautifully and really looks the cat’s pyjamas – a big bright blue and turquoise star.  We were the only ones sailing (without engine assistance) and our only spinnaker competition came from a nearby laser – his was dull, very dull indeed.

Caribbean Star on a Windjammer

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