Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Checking Out

Just before our departure date, Mr Lozza managed to squeeze in a seat on Jesse’s famous Taste of Trini Tour.  We won’t cover it here, the Cap’n and GS are hoping for one when we return!  Needless to say, Mr L had a fun, very big day out.  All he could say on return was that he was “as full as a butcher’s pup” followed by something about cracking fleas on his tummy...  Just what he had been eating?  We did wonder!

Filling up with water at the TTSA dock before our departure
Checking out of Trinidad at Immigration & Customs. Bruce waiting patiently at the Crews Inn dinghy dock. View back to Powers & other busy Chaguaramas boatyards. 
Finally, the day came to drop our mooring.  We waved farewell to neighbour, Aussie Peter on his aluminium boat, Super Tramp.  He’s much more adventurous than us and was planning a trip down to the Falklands (as you do…).  Likewise, we said our goodbyes to Bruce on Wild Matilda and Big John on Swagman.  (No, they aren’t Aussies; we just declared them to be honorary ones!)  Then it was time to decamp to a mooring out off Powers.  We still need to purchase a few more essentials from Powers Market before making our way over to Trinidad Immigration and Customs Offices to complete our clearances.  This time, it went without a hitch.  

So “Hit the Road, Jack” and it was off to a serene Scotland Bay for a brief respite before our early (5am) departure for Grenada.  We were off and running, carried by a swift outgoing tide through the Bocas del Dragón over weaving currents and choppy seas.  But it really was good to finally be making a move.  WJ3 was clearly champing at the bit for a decent sail! 

Scotland Bay happily sits in a nature reserve and is pleasantly quiet, but
only on week days.  Notice teardrop birds nests hanging from this tree.
A peaceful side deep in Scotland Bay, Trinidad

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