Monday, January 27, 2025

Doing the Tonne

We are currently hunkered down in a marina in the Bahamas waiting for a weather window to cross the cranky (at times) Gulf Stream to West Palm Beach.  So, there’s been time to update the blog, even if it’s just the words for now!  Here’s the latest…

Early in January 2025, our WJ3 site views from 2011 reached 6 figures!!  We’ve reached the stars; just over 100,000, all gold to us.  Now, we’ve said we are not in it for fame or fortune, but it sure was nice to know that so many friends are sailing downwind with us and we sincerely appreciate your support.  

Here’s a story for you!  GS’s dad, who lived on Bribie Island, Queensland (Australia) went to the corner shop for his usual Sunday newspapers.  As he stood in line he got chatting with a neighbour and for whatever reason talked about their plans for the rest of the day.  Dad’s neighbour was going home to catch up on blogs he was enjoying and he told Dad about an Aussie couple on a boat travelling round the Mediterranean.  My Dad said, as he listened to the story, he realised that his neighbour was talking about us, so they shared a good laugh over that one!  Isn’t it such a small world…

For those wondering, this figure does not include our Early Years (link to site on tab above) from 2008 to 2010, now old news but certainly part of our story.  These figures aren't accurate anyway, given our flight across platforms Vox, Typepad, then Wordpress (too geeky for us) to finally settle for the simple life on Blogger.  

For those also wondering about our future sailing plans, then the news is that we, having considered all sorts of options, including the Great Loop again, are simply going to bounce around the East Coast of the US, keeping Miss WJ3 tidy and in trim in her (and our) dotage, and catch up on places we haven’t visited or some that must be revisited.  (Maine lobsters are wanting to get to know us again, for sure!)  So, it’s simple, easy sailing we want, combined with a bit of land travel where-ever that whim takes us; so, nothing too complicated or fussy.   

Thank you so much for enjoying the ride along with us.  And keep reading!

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