Thursday, May 21, 2015

Over Old Ground

Back to Work

So, here we sit in the Aktio Yard surrounded by other boats undergoing similar beauty treatment as Miss Windjammer.  Needless to say, our Cap’n is lavishing attention, spending long hours and sinking a fortune into his other woman.  Meanwhile GS scales a 20ft ladder, despairs at Greek supermarkets and wonders if life wouldn’t be better just staying put.  After all, Ms Donkey could be expecting again (it is spring after all!), busy goats are keeping the meadow (boatyard) in trim, our local taverna does a fantastic moussaka and best of all, we could weather any storm without getting wet feet.  Did Odysseus feel the same when those sirens sang….I think they live just around the corner. 

 Preveza is undergoing a makeover too.  Streets in the old town are being given a cosmetic “lick & promise” and we hardly recognised our supermarket area.  We discovered the reason a few days later when a cruise liner dwarfed the town dock and small shops bulged with visitors.  Our marina too boasts a sparkling new 100t travel lift and the crusty old jeep that took us into town has been replaced by a smart people mover.  Ahhh, progress. 
Technology is turning out to be "12 Labours for the Galley Slave" this year.  Her computer is playing up now - after only a week of being here, so watching this little piece of blogosphere space may become somewhat dull, unless there's some resolution.  He's thinking tinkering & a little fix, she's thinking a new computer...

Yes, well perhaps we could just stay here 

1 comment:

  1. May the wind always be at your back and the sun always warm your face........enjoy, you lucky ducks!!
