Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Walk in History

History lessons for some are just ruined by
those insisting on selfies....
Pompeii Scarvi

In 79 AD, Vesuvius boiled over covering the town, in just two days, with pumice and ash to a depth of some 6m, killing about 2000 (known) of its 25,000 residents.  Most of us know something of the history of Pompeii, yet somehow we weren’t prepared for the size of this city of ruins.  Not knowing where to start exploring, we joined a walking tour (2 hrs) with Alfonso, which as it panned out, took us to some of the best sites. 

We weren’t so lucky when left to our own devices, as there is still quite a lot of the area closed, under excavation or for maintenance.  Given the huge numbers that flow daily through Pompeii, this is understandable but it would save time & energy (on hot days over a labyrinthine site) if this information was displayed at the entrances.  But, we are in Italy and it seems that there must always be room for a discussion of some kind, complete with hand gestures!

Frescos still intact. House of Menander
Now, back to the ruins (scarvi)! 

Pompeii excavations reveal an astonishing story of daily life in Roman times in this busy trading town.  In the18th c when early discoveries were made, on trend fashionistas conceived a decorating style in the manner of Pompeii villa features, thus reviving an interest in artefacts which thankfully made their way into museums.  

Rather than me writing realms on Pompeii, find a copy of Mark Twain’s “The Innocents Abroad” and read his delightful account of a visit to the ruins. Seems not much changes... (MT toured in 1867 and published in 1869.)

(Whilst you're at it, read the whole book; it's an hilarious account of his travels in the Med.  Wish we had so much fun - he was quite the rascal.)

Enjoy these photos taken during our walking tour:

Gladiator Barracks  

The Great Theatre (5 AD) for 5000 spectators

Streets of large stone cobbles worn by cart wheels (use your imagination!)
Via Stabiana leads to one of the city's entrance gates.

Courtyard of the House of Menander - he needs to speak to his gardener..

Baths, Terme Stabiane, highly decorated
Water Fountains were a regular feature

And you think hospitality can be a tough job!

In the main Forum beside the massive Basilica
used for judicial and business matters 

Occasionally, you see some pieces that are almost perfectly intact

Sometimes there are glimpses of how beautiful Pompeii must have once been

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